加拿大ArriveCan已被终止使用 但事情还没有完!


10月20日,加拿大国会政府运作委员会全体投票同意,审查ArriveCan应用程序的所有合同。加拿大边境服务局应国会要求在9月21日呈交的文件中称,ArriveCan的成本为1,980万元。但实际支出接近5,400万元,包括支付给渥太华IT公司GC Strategies Incorporated的890万元。

GC Strategies合伙人克里斯蒂安·弗斯(Kristian Firth)说,是政府找的他们。“我们被要求提供一个团队,来考虑满足ArriveCan的某些要求。”弗斯说,近900万元是物有所值的。“当政府找到我们组队,在他们的管理和指导下,花时间进行实体参与,我们做到了。” 弗斯被要求列出分包商和项目支付的费用明细表。

These are the guys who did the ArriveCan app – wait, scratch that, they didn’t actually do the app. They don’t build apps or code software. They’re salesmen, really. They get government contracts and then get someone else to do the work.

The Globe and Mail

The two-employee firm billed Ottawa $44-million over the past two years, and Mr. Anthony and Mr. Firth told a parliamentary committee last week that they took commissions ranging between 15 and 30 per cent. That’s between $6.6-million and $13.2 million for the pair.

The Globe and Mail