芝加哥出发 北密赏枫环湖自驾游攻略

美国赏秋圣地之一当属北密,即Upper Peninsula of Michigan。野猪山(Porcupine Mountain)、 彩岩国家湖滨区 (Pictured Rocks)、铜峰(Copper Peak)等耳熟能详地方均在北密。本文以芝加哥为出发点,沿着密西根湖(Lake Michigan)自驾一圈,力求追寻一路上最美的秋色打卡点。
第一天:芝加哥出发 前往Holy Hill 车程大约2个小时
Holy Hill – Basilica and National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians
1525 Carmel Rd, Hubertus, WI 53033
观景塔Scenic Tower
SUNDAY: 1:45 – 5:30 pm | MONDAY – SATURDAY: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Visitors who are hearty enough to climb its 178 steps enjoy a magnificent view of the countryside. The Bell Tower, a twin to the scenic tower, contains two bells which can be seen atop this tower.

1、Antigo Lake RV Campground/815 Hudson St, Antigo, WI 54409/715-623-3633/https://www.antigo-city.org/campground/
2、Borderline RV Park/6078 US-45, Land O’ Lakes, WI 54540/+17155476169/http://www.borderlinervpark.com/
另外一个可以考虑的选择是水壶冰碛赏枫景观大道Kettle Moraine Scenic Drive:Enjoy the beauty, variety and geology of southeast Wisconsin by driving the Kettle Moraine Scenic Drive. The 115-mile drive traverses six Wisconsin counties. The northern end begins near Elkhart Lake in northern Sheboygan County and the southern end begins at Whitewater Lake in southeastern Walworth County. There are numerous places to picnic, hike, camp, bike, swim, fish, visit historical sites, shop and find lodging along the way. 详情:https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/parks/kmscenicdrive
第二天:野猪山野生州立公园 Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park

Lake of the Clouds Overlook
46.80401833297751, -89.76543549287202
In the state park alone, hikers will discover nearly 90 miles of recreational trails, including can’t-miss options like the Escarpment Trail leading to Lake of the Clouds and the Little Carp River Trail on the south side of the park.
去野猪山的路上,可以前往Bond Falls,停车场坐标:46.4096732289226, -89.13503005094411。

野猪山另外一个可以考虑的高峰是Copper Peak(铜峰):N13870 Copper Peak Rd, Ironwood, MI 49938
1、Pictured Rocks RV Park/E7781 M-28, Munising, MI 49862/906-387-4700/https://www.picturedrocksrvpark.com/(非常热门)
2、Country Village RV Park/1200 Country Lane, Ishpeming, MI 49849/906-486-0300/http://www.countryvillagerv.com/
第三天:彩岩国家湖滨区Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore – 塔库梅隆瀑布州立公园Tahquamenon Falls State Park – 切河大桥Cut River Bridge
1、Mackinaw City / Mackinac Island KOA Journey/566 Trails End Rd, Mackinaw City, MI 49701/231-436-5643/https://koa.com/campgrounds/mackinaw-city/
第四天:Mackinac Island

Crooked River RV Park/7384 Cheboygan St, Alanson, MI 49706/231-881-3308/http://www.artesianspringsrvresort.com/
第五天:Tunnel of Trees (M-119) – Leelanau – Sleeping Bear Dunes (M-22) – Manistee
Tunnel of Tress最经典的部分:1100-3148, M-119, Harbor Springs, MI 49740。
以 Sleeping Bear Dunes为核心的M-22:

White River RV Park & Campground/945 W Fruitvale Rd, Montague, MI 49437/231-894-4708/https://whiterivercampground.com/

第六天: Montague – Chicago 还车