祈福党猖獗 旧金山警察局警告中国城居民当心 最近数月已有多人受骗 金额超37万美元!

旧金山警察局局长比尔·斯科特 (Bill Scott) 周二(1月14日)在一份声明中表示,祈福诈骗案件据称始于去年11月下旬,行骗者都是说中文的人,他们的目标是弱势社区成员。
- Nov. 23: 69-year-old woman lost $90K of cash and property in the Bayview District
- Nov. 24: 75-year-old woman lost $40K of cash and property in the Taraval District
- Dec. 12: 79-year-old woman lost $70K of cash and property in the Bayview District
- Dec. 14: 72-year-old woman lost $14K of cash and property in the Central District
- Dec. 16: 69-year-old woman lost $91K of cash and property in the Central District
- Dec. 17: 69-year-old woman lost $7K of cash and property in the Ingleside District
- Jan. 2: 77-year-old woman lost $62K of cash and property in the Richmond District